De ESV kent zijn eigen alumnikring Economie. Deze kring vaart onder de vlag van de ESV en heet ESV-Alumni. Het doel van deze kring is om alumni met elkaar in contact te houden door middel van het organiseren van verschillende activiteiten. Om de continuïteit van de kring en haar activiteiten te waarborgen is het bestuur opgedeeld in een dagelijks en een algemeen bestuur. Het dagelijks bestuur houdt zich bezig met het organiseren van de activiteiten en kan worden gezien als de operationele kern. Het algemeen bestuur probeert de lange termijn te waarborgen, is een bron van kennis en kennissen, en fungeert als klankbord.

Executive Board

The executive board consists solely of students, including the current chairman of the ESV. Together they are responsible for the daily operations around the ESV Alumni. This involves answering e-mails, maintaining the alumni website, managing the alumni social media (Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook), and organizing various activities for alumni. Two to three times a year the Alumni Newsflash is sent. In the Newsflash, members of the alumni group are informed about issues concerning the ESV, the economics program in Nijmegen and activities organized by the executive board.

The executive board of the ESV Alumni consists of three members for the academic year 2022-2023:

  • Eline Meiberg (chairman)
  • Korne Radema
  • Philip Alexander de Haan
  • Hansje Analbers
  • Annet Colenbrander

General Board

The general board is, in addition to the executive board, involved in the organization around the alumni group economics. The general board is the hub in our alumni network: through many contacts with other alumni, the economics department, and the professional field, they can make suggestions for future activities. The general board does not change regularly in order to ensure the continuity of the circle.
The general board currently consists of five members for the academic year 2022-2023:

  • Peter Crijns (voorzitter)
  • Gerwin Bom
  • Kirsten van den Ham
  • Viktor de Leeuw
  • Luuk Tupker


Why Join ESV Alumni / alumni circle economics?

  • The (free) membership of the ESV Alumni offers some very unique advantages for which you do not have to do anything;
  • You can take part in many activities for the alumni circle economics: from activities on campus to drinks in the Randstad, as well as lectures and a coach café in collaboration with the faculty;
  • Be on abreast of the ESV and the economics program through the Alumni Newsflash;
  • Be part of the alumni network: we continuously expand our network and try as much as possible to get alumni in contact with each other;
  • You can be approached for guest lectures or readings at (ESV) activities;
  • To be still part of the ESV as during your student life!


Daily board: Eline Meiberg (Chairman)
Phone: 024-3611929
Adress: Heyendaalseweg 141.00.140
6525 AJ Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

Social media
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn