Contact ESV Nijmegen

The ESV room is located at Heyendaalseweg 141 in Nijmegen, inside the Elinor Ostrom building. The room is situated on the ground floor and its number is 00.140. You can visit the room every day when it is open for a friendly chat or for any questions you may have.

Heyendaalseweg 141.00.140
6525 AJ Nijmegen

In addition, you can also get in touch with the ESV through email or phone. The general email address is, and the phone number is +31 024 3611929.
+31 (0)24 - 3611929

If you have a specific question related to membership administration or university-related matters, please send an email to and the secretary will try to respond to your inquiry.

For inquiries from companies regarding collaboration or the possibility of starting a new partnership with the ESV, please email This is the email address of the PR coordinator responsible for all collaborations with companies and other formal matters.